Based on similar principles to acupuncture but without the needles, EFT tapping merges psychology techniques with ancient oriental practices, unlocking greater joy, clarity and ease. Also known as EFT or emotional freedom technique, EFT is a gentle and safe alternative therapy that works on a mind and body level. Combining psychology and acupressure, EFT sends a calming signal to your brain to respond to challenges from a place of calm instead of panic.
The underlying philosophy of EFT tapping is that EFT can create a balance in your energy and treat pain. Conversely, when your body’s energy balance is disrupted, negative emotions and pain manifest—ancient Chinese medicine’s approach for thousands of years.
Along the same lines as acupuncture, based on the Chinese meridian system, EFT tapping focuses on energy hot spots in your body to restore balance. Because emotional imbalances can cause health issues, tapping on particular acupoints allows release of these emotions trapped in your body. Where acupuncture uses needles, EFT tapping relies on your fingers.EFT tapping combines verbal and physical techniques to achieve positive body and mind outcomes. Using cognitive therapy and exposure therapy together with techniques from non-Western healing systems, EFT’s merged approach is used to treat a wide range of conditions and ailments, including:
• Stress, anxiety and traumaBecause it’s gentle and non-invasive, tapping can also enhance wellbeing in children by managing big emotions like worry, fear, sadness and anger. And in the classroom environment, EFT can also help children optimise learning by managing stress, anxiety and behavioural challenges.
No child is the same as any other. So rather than using a one size fits all approach, sessions and programs for kids and teens need to be in line with the wellbeing needs of the individual child. To help your child flourish and succeed in life, our centre’s EFT specialist programs and techniques include: • Mindfulness in everyday lifeThere are a number of well-known benefits that kids (from age 3+) and teenagers can experience from regular EFT tapping, mindfulness and/or growth mindset practice. These include:
• Increased focused attention which leads to a greater ability to remember and learn effectivelyEFT tapping is an accessible and gentle technique that helps people of all ages cope and flourish through everyday life. While a weekly or fortnightly session is ideal, tapping and mindfulness is something adults and children can learn to do for themselves on a daily basis with the support and guidance of a qualified and specialised therapist.
In your tapping session at our centre, the actual tapping itself is self-applied under the expert guidance of our specialised EFT therapist. You may choose to sit upright or lie down—however you feel most comfortable. To maximise the benefits, after the session, our specialised therapist will give you the tools and know-how to continue tapping as a home practice as often as you like. Tapping treatment can be held in person, over the phone or via a video call. A session usually takes between 60 and 90 minutes. To maximise the outcome, more than one session may be needed. We also offer an appointment-free option where we work with you via email. All this equips you to better cope with modern day challenges. As a gentle alternative therapy, EFT tapping helps to rebalance mind and body, reducing stress and unlocking calm for enhanced wellbeing.To enjoy the benefits of EFT tapping, book now. Never tried tapping before? Sign up to our mailing list and receive 10% off your first treatment! Bondi Junction Massage & Float Centre is a restorative and remedial oasis of calm and wellbeing in the heart of Sydney’s eastern suburbs, treating thousands of clients since 1985.
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