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Clinical Hypnotherapy

Overcome negative thoughts, beliefs and behaviours to find balance and wellbeing with clinical hypnotherapy, a scientifically-proven treatment that creates new neuropathways in your brain to break old patterns and build new ones.

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What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Clinical hypnotherapy is a combination of hypnosis and psychological treatment and is a therapeutic tool that can empower you to be confident, independent and create the life you want. Strategic psychotherapy is a shorter session therapy that is solution-focused and outcome-based. It is concerned with HOW we do what we do, and not WHY, by focusing on how we can change. The treatment works through rapid interviewing to quickly understand the problem and how to treat it.

It is important to understand that hypnosis is NOT therapy; it is a vehicle for delivering a helpful message or treatment to the mind. Hypnosis allows someone to take on board suggestions at an unconscious level, where it’s absorbed with focused attention. Being under hypnosis is also called being in a ‘trance state’.

Intro Pack (1 Hour Hypnotherapy, 1 Hour Float)
1 Hour Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy Package (5 x 1 Hour Sessions)

The Benefits of Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy works to break old patterns and build new ones by teaching tools to switch negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours to create new positive outcomes. Hypnotherapy treats anxiety (including social anxiety), low self-esteem, depression, procrastination, phobias, addictions (e.g. smoking), and weight management. Clinical hypnotherapy accesses the unconscious mind to make change happen, empowering you to be confident, independent and create the life you want.

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What Happens During the Treatment?

Your specialised clinical hypnotherapist will start by explaining what to expect in your session and ask questions about patterns and behaviour unique to your situation. You’ll get into a relaxed and comfortable state completely in control and aware of everything that’s going on throughout your entire session. The hypnosis session will last about 20 minutes, which will be a mix of strategic psychotherapy and NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) to switch beliefs and create healthier patterns. The session will end with a debrief and a plan on how to take action before the next session. Your first session will last for 90 minutes. Your next sessions will be 60 minutes. Clinical hypnotherapy can also be done effectively via video-conferencing. Speak to your therapist to find out what options are available.