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Reflexology helps restore calm & promotes wellbeing in young kids & teens

Reflexology is an ancient form of natural therapy that helps to bring your body into balance by working on your feet, hands and sometimes ears. Because reflexology is a low-risk, non-invasive and gentle therapy, it has become increasingly popular in recent years in its modern form, suitable for all ages -- from babies to over 80s. With no age limit to its many benefits, which include reduced stress and anxiety to improvement in sleep and cognitive function, parents often consider reflexology to help restore calm and balance in younger children and teenagers in a fast-paced and often stressful world.

What is Reflexology?

With a history dating back to ancient Egypt and Chinese medicine, modern reflexology today forms part of Western practice as a complementary natural therapy. Reflexology is also known as zone theory or zone therapy and works on reflex points on the feet or hands (and sometimes the ears) which correspond to various organs, glands or structures in the body.

A reflexologist uses gentle massage techniques to help promote improved health and also rebalance the nervous system by releasing endorphins – the ‘feel-good’ chemical – which makes you feel energised and rejuvenated.

Even though reflexology is a gentle therapy that often works on the feet, reflexology is not a foot massage. Reflexology is also not a medical solution but is often used to complement medical treatment or to treat mild health issues. For the best health results, reflexology should be done on a regular basis – whether weekly or monthly -- with at least 4-6 sessions as a start. Many people continue with reflexology for years because of the benefits to their wellbeing.

Reflexology for all ages

The benefits of reflexology is not contained to a specific age group. Like adults, children can also benefit from reflexology in the following ways:

• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Improves sleep
• Helps with digestive problems
• Relieves muscular spasm and tension

Reflexology benefits for children

Besides managing stress and anxiety and helping improve sleep and mood, when it comes to children, there are additional reasons that families turn to a specialised reflexologist for improvement on child health.

Specifically for younger children – including babies -- research studies on reflexology for children reveal the following benefits for infants:

• reduces pain and regulates heart rate
• increases oxygen saturation
• relieves colic symptoms
• decreases spasticity
• improves motor skills in children with cerebral palsy

For all ages, including children, additional ways in which reflexology can help include:

• Sinus issues
• Migraines
• Easing back and nerve pain
• Boosting the immune system
• Enhancing overall wellbeing and mood

It is important to note though that even though reflexology is a gentle low-risk therapy with potentially great benefit for all ages, it is a complementary therapy and should never replace conventional medicine. And while a certified reflexologist is highly specialised, a reflexologist cannot diagnose or treat illness. For these many reasons, reflexology is often a popular choice for all ages for mild health issues but should never substitute treatment for acute conditions.

For parents, as the busy school year begins, frequent reflexology sessions are not only the perfect antidote to stress for children and teenagers, reflexology can also help to restore and maintain the body’s balance contributing to a child’s sense of calm and overall wellbeing.

To find out more about reflexology at our centre, our therapists, and whether reflexology is suitable for you or your child, please make contact or book now. Bondi Junction Massage & Float Centre is a restorative and remedial oasis of calm and wellbeing in the heart of Sydney’s eastern suburbs, treating thousands of clients since 1985. Our centre is OPEN, adhering to a COVID Safety Plan.