Float tank therapy is known to have many benefits. From reducing pain and anxiety to enhancing sports performance and improving sleep. Not to mention creativity. Even though floating has become increasingly popular in the mainstream in recent years, the concept of reducing sensory input for positive body and mind benefits has been around for decades. But like all good habits, the more frequently you float, the greater the results. Below we wade through some research supporting regular float sessions as a beneficial way of life.
But first, what is float tank therapy?
If you’re a first-time floater, here’s a quick rundown. Different centres may have different types of float tanks ranging from a bath-like pod to a small shallow pool set-up. Whatever the physical design, a float tank is filled with dense Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) and water solution. And because a float tank is shallow -- only 30cm of sterile water -- besides being buoyant, you can’t sink. Because the salt to water ratio is so dense you float effortlessly, lying on your back (like the Dead Sea). The saline salt water is also set to skin temperature which reduces the sensation of water on your skin. Some people claim they don’t even know they’re in the tank! And because it’s a private, quiet, dark environment, sensory input is reduced which allows your body and brain to take a complete break from the world and re-set.
Benefits of Floating Regularly
1. Improves Sleep
In a study of 65 participants over a 7-week period which involved 12 float sessions, results showed sleep quality significantly increased for the float therapy group. The floating group also reported increased levels of optimism.
2. Helps with Muscle Recovery
A study of 60 elite international athletes from 9 different sports each had a 45-minute session in a float tank (also referred to as REST – restricted environmental stimulation therapy). In answering a questionnaire post-float, 15 of the 16 mood variables were significantly enhanced as well as lowered perceived muscle soreness. The findings indicated that floating may be an effective tool following training in elite athletes for both physical and psychological recovery.
3. Helps Ease Migraines & Headaches
In another study of patients suffering from chronic tension headaches, respondents undertook 2x 90-minute sessions per week for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, the participants reported an overall decrease in headaches.
4. Reduces Stress & Anxiety
In a study of 50 participants suffering from anxiety and stress-related disorders, participants reported significant reduction in stress, muscle tension, pain and depression. Respondents also reported increased serenity, relaxation, happiness and overall wellbeing. The results suggest that floating may be a promising alternative treatment to help reduce anxiety and depression. In a separate study, after 8 float sessions, each 40 minutes, respondents showed a 22% drop in stress signalling cortisol levels.
5. Increases Relaxation
Research shows that float tank therapy can help reduce blood pressure and enhances relaxation, breathing techniques, and visual imagery techniques.
6. Meditation, Self-Reflection & Creativity
In a separate study where respondents undertook 6x 90-minute float tank therapy (REST) sessions, it was found that floating facilitated high level creative behaviour.
So whether you’re already a floating fan, thinking about dipping your toes, or possibly ready to dive in, to enjoy the many benefits of floating, consider a few float sessions for your body and mind to fully process the experience. Then you’ll be in a position – possibly an elevated one – to consider making floating a way of life, with much to gain for body and brain.

Bondi Junction Massage & Float Centre is a restorative and remedial oasis of calm and wellbeing in the heart of Sydney’s eastern suburbs, treating thousands of clients since 1985. Our centre is currently OPEN, adhering to a COVID Safety Plan. To find out more about our float tanks and new state-of-the-art private rooms, and any of our other treatments, please make contact or book now.